Tips on how to study

Studying is one of the meditatii activities that may be difficult, perhaps because they know how to make, either for lack of order, overconfidence or because the matter is not your immediate concern.

We begin with the name of the meditatii system that we will call:
Inspection - First thing we do, is to see the outside. This is an activity that is done for everything, even when probed the possibility of a prospect or prospect (also called boyfriend or girlfriend) to study the same. The first thing you have to do is, for example, if we read a book or article even our notes, is leafing through it to see its extent and give us an idea of its content and plan more or less the time we will study it and concentration level of demand.

Questions - The majority of reading failure are because we do not have a target. The questions help to focus and not get lost in the information. These questions are you can make yourself or order them to the teacher. When you have questions you will find more meaning resolve your reading and little by little you will have a quality reading.

Reading - As we make the questions, we will read all the text and answering questions as well go and possibly generating other. Maybe it happened to you that you study the day before and you realize you have many doubts and questions, and then you solve minutes before the test or asking someone else to help you, (more than help becomes chair), and then what happens? Now that you understand nothing or very little and the anxiety level goes to heaven. That's why I recommend you give it a daily review classes.

Reading requires imagination, so try to imagine the scenes of the story you are reading and if at any point you get lost and feel like you did not understand anything, do not worry returns to the point where if you understand and continue your meditatii reading.

Application - This step does not necessarily imply the use of devices or techniques or devices, at this point you need the imagination in such a situation to be effective.

Repetition - Make a count of learning. Studied it is advisable to talk to family or friends. If anyone can help, no matter, uses a mirror in which you can reflect and repeat your classes, even taking the role of teacher, this suggestion may be silly but it works.

Review - This step is to refresh or retrieve the information that we had already studied following the steps above. Is performed after a time that the content was examined. For example, to conduct a review and get back what is already in your brain.
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